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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

ok i'm kinda in the online shopping thing these few years and after countless spree experience, i decided to organise my own!!


so if anyone wants to join my sprees, or to request for any, go to my LJ page to request ya?


~ { 9:01 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, November 06, 2008

i just realized that i've no sch from the 23rd to 28th of dec!! guess we're going to go for a short break to somewhere nearby, just to relax and enjoy the 'calmness' before the mugging starts. but dec is a lousy timing for any hol. it'll be expensive no matter where we go. aiya lets go camping at ubin. hahah... but i'm quite sure i'll complain like crazy. i need aircon.

speaking of which, i've not started on my FR assignment. crap man, a 3000 words essay. how to write!! and, FM and ELC test side by side. ahhh this is so irritating coz i dun like things to all clump together all at once.

some random thoughts, i just realised that my last pic with my grandma was in my lost phone. which idiot stole my phone! even though i lost it for over 10 months alr, i'm STILL very bothered by it. =( bahh...

oh!! my family and my cousin's family are going bintan soon!! haha i hope it'll be fun!! shall take lots of pics =) i wanna go try some water sports!! i'm trying hard to persuade my mum to take those things with me. hahah shake it mummy!! i just have to make her believe that she is exercising when she play all those water sports with me. MUAHAHHAHAHA...

~ { 9:23 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, November 03, 2008

i've been spending too much lately. where is my reimbursement!

but i wanna get a vest next. haha i think it looks really cool with just any basic tops. i've been pouring over websites after websites for the perfect one, but none match the bill so far!! ahh where is my perfect vest. i want a black halter one with adjustable strap at the back.

my family will be going to bintan in nov!! its really just a short 2 day trip to chill out. haha i wonder if my mum will take the banana boat with me as she promised. but really, what can we do with just 2 days. ahhhh... i think we'll be there and eat overpriced food. haha... bring lotsa cup noodles!! i feel cheapo.

last wed was really fun!! =D

with the b'day girl =D

happy b'day once again!! i'm looking forward to your Halloween 21st next year!!

~ { 9:29 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, October 25, 2008

i wish i've a personal chef that will cook whatever cuisine i feel like having!!

ahhh or just that my mum can cook more often. i miss home cooked food!!

but i suck when it comes to cooking. hahah.... as much as i tried to follow the recipe, and maybe improvise a little on my own, the food comes out weird!! next time, next time. i'll take some pictures of my creations, be prepared to be awed. definitely.

sam is STILL niam-ing at his mian xian that never came. ahhh i have no idea how to cook the soup base la. i tried to seek help but when it comes to doing it, it is not easy!! hence i conclude i've no affinity with cooking. i can only cook nice instant noodles and maybe those dishes that just needs simple boiling. hahah i suck.

i'm craving for drunken prawns.

next week is gonna be fun!! =D

~ { 4:59 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

hahah yea i've 3 more days of hk to blog down but i'm lazy. yes lazy is the magical word.anyone wanna help me to do something about it? ahhh.....

since sch started, i've been nua-ing whenever i've no classes. haha i'm growing mushrooms soon. but i've in no mood to go town!! or anywhere else. well well well, i think i should do something about it very soon.

but!! i'm starting to get my fitness back. after 2 long years of not moving my lazy ass, i drove my mum n sis to the gym last thurs and i ran a little. its a good start i guess, n i hope this can continue. i wanna be all toned up!! fit fit fit!

self consolation, i think my driving has been improving, bit by bit. turning is becoming better, parking faster, but changing lanes is still as reckless. furthermore, i cant rmb the roads!! now i can only drive in tamp. other than that, i'm a gone case.

i feel left out!! =( no matter how i try, it seems hard to fit into the new bashers crowd. i miss my old bashers!! and i'm stupid enough to feel sick before the old bashers gathering for joanna's b'day. =(

mambo on the 29th of this month!! who is interested! sms me!

~ { 3:48 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Thursday, September 11, 2008

i'm back from hk!! after a few days of rest, i've finally convinced myself to blog down my experience.

the food there is SOOOO expensive!! a simple bowl of noodles can easily fetch 6-8 SGD. its certainly not friendly to the wallet when u're trying to go budget. i think the most worth it meal has to be the dim sum buffet we had on the first day, our very first meal in hong kong. all thanks to cheryl who introduced us to the place. pic lost coz sth happened to sj's camera. =(

look at the spread!

we even had to play the 'bloop' game in order to finish the food.

the girls proceeded to shop the day away at gran view road while the guys explore the area on their own. my legs start to hurt in the late afternoon. goodness how come the hongkongers can shop SO MUCH without breaking a leg or two. i'm simply dead on day 1. or maybe i'm weak haha whatever la.

met up with sherwin next!!

we visited the avenue of stars!!

hk night view

we are trying to act very touristy. if there is such a word.

we head over to the ladies market next but it was almost closing time for them already. if i rmb correctly, it was alr like 11 plus? oh well we walked a little before heading over to the famous 'xu liu shan' for some mango desserts.

at mongkok, where the ladies market is located

us in front of the yummylicious mango desserts shop

i think that sums up most of day one. my memory is very bad. hahah someone who remembers more details pls pls fill me in. =)

~ { 10:03 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

alrighty folks!! i forgot to update that we're no longer heading to bangkok, esp with the current situation, their state of emergency. after a meeting with the travel mates at kushin-bo yesterday, we decided to change to hong kong!

we'll be flying to hk on fri at 6.40am and reaching singapore on mon at 11.50pm.

my goodness i'm dam excited la. it is my first time to hk and i've so many places that i wanna go!! oh well but due to financial constraints, my dear dear ocean park is scrapped. nvm next time i shall go!! its like my childhood dream to go ocean park, whenever i watch those hk dramas and they went ocean park, i thought to myself that if i were to go hk, i must must must go there. BOOO!!

i'm so cash tight these days!!!

shopping in hk is sooooo much more expensive compared to bangkok, and i've a miserable balance left in my bank. i seriously hope that my pay can come in asap so that at least i can have money to shop, without asking my parents for it. i must have backbone!!! i'll not be a jellyfish.

now i'm troubled over the packing of luggage. our inital plan was to bring minimal stuff to bkk n buy everything there. but now, everything must bring!! hah cant wear till too lok kok over there.

i'm still excited though!!! =D

hk!!!! here we come.

~ { 11:40 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, August 24, 2008

i think it has been weeks since i last blogged.

oh well, i've 5 more working days n i'm FREE!!!!!!!! i'm a total slacker at work now, surfing the net, staring into space while i monitor my replacement work progress, or going down to lvl 5 to teach ping yee my bonds stuff. ahhhh the only times i actually do some proper work is after 6pm, thats when i can claim OT. but its really not my fault, i must explain myself first. i dun have a com to work on during proper working hours!! haha...

5 more working days.... woooo....

n 10 more days to bangkok!! i'm very happy. =)

fri was spent in bliss. i took half day off on fri n went over to sam's place. we rotted ard till 7 plus n headed to town for dinner n fireworks!! we thought we missed the fireworks but alas! whilst having our dinner at coffee club, the waiter told us the fireworks started. hah like 2 kids we rushed out to watch. well well well, a very impromptu thing as usual.

we were walking past kenko at marina and saw the fish spa thing. hahah we got really interested and went head in and paid for the 15 mins spa!! omg i was squirming like crazy when the fishes started biting off my legs. ITCHY!!!!!!!!! i'll upload the pictures taken at Kenko when i got the time. hahah i can only conclude sam did not scrub his legs for ages coz the amount of fishes on his legs are WOW!!

~ { 10:04 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Saturday, August 02, 2008

orders from samantha!! to post our pictures.

introducing the level 6 girl!!

these girls entertained me when i'm bored at work. =D thanks!!

but samantha moved to lvl 5!! hah i miss her constant chatter.


pay day is coming!! i cant wait man, coz my bank bal is dreadful, pathetic or total sadness. ahhhhhh.... i haven been shopping for a month already!!

another note!! 20 more working days, and yes i'm faithfully counting down EVERYDAY. i realized i cant stand things that are super routine, it bores me to death. for now, my enjoyment at work is to calculate or should i say plan to maximize my remaining time at SCB to get maximum returns.

one more month to thailand trip!! i'm getting super excited. =)

and i miss school, alot.

~ { 2:01 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, July 28, 2008


i had the jitters for the whole night and could not sleep at all!! i think i did my best for the circuit during the test but i suck on the road!! hahah wonder if it has been too long since i actually went onto the roads or i'm still hanging on to the 'i must be slow and steady belief' from the circuit. ALL the demerit points are because of my SLOW speed on the road. HAHHAHA tortoise.

nonetheless, i passed!!! =D

but i wonder when will i drive again.

~ { 3:55 PM }
reflections of you and me;